

The major reasons are typically the complexity involved in implementation, the cost and the time constraints attached.

Our engagement model related to IT Implementation support involves working with our clients hand in hand throughout the entire process of system implementation, testing & its roll out. We also provide training services to our clients with respect to the implemented systems.

Our team is well versed with the banking processes and has capabilities to support implementation of all types of decision management systems. We have also helped our clients implement changes in the IT structure of the organization as per new regulation and /or changes with respect to business needs.

We follow a comprehensive implementation approach covering all the aspects including:

  • Analysis and Planning – Assess the client requirements. Assess ‘Buy vs Build’ proposition. Assessment of 3rd Party Vendors.
  • Business and Technical Requirement Gathering – Develop business requirement documents and support internal IT team to convert the same into technical requirements for either build or buy decisions.
  • Implementation Support – Business Requirement Support, ETL Testing, Integrated Testing, Training etc.

Our services in this includes but not limited to implementation of IT systems in the following areas:

  • Development of functional & technical architecture for our clients, covering holistic landscape for risk/analytics systems.
  • Support for implementation of 3rd party solutions across the risk domain.
  • Data Management – Setting up common definition of data across the organisation, helping in establishing data management framework and supporting in implementation of ‘Risk Data Warehouse’ – In compliance with BCBS 239, BIS Guidelines for Risk Data


Advanced Analytics